Wes Welker reportedly received his third concussion in just his last ten games. It came on what was really perceived as a hard but clean hit from Houston Texans safety D.J. Swearinger. This comes in the midst of heightened awareness involving head injuries and safety in the NFL. More than ever men our thinking about life after football. With tragedies like the one involving the great Junior Seau who can blame them. It’s unknown how many concussions Welker has ever had but there is new evidence that it becomes easier to have one after you’ve already experienced them. Knowing this should the NFL or that organization use their leverage to stop Welker from returning even though he is medically cleared? I fear especially because of the type of receiver Wes is, it’s not if but when he will have another big collision resulting in a concussion. Should Roger Goodell throw the towel in for Apollo, Creed or will he hold onto it like Rocky did and let the champ go out doing what he did best?