Ronnie Hampston, CO-EIC of The Front Office News
I think the new domestic violence policy in the NFL has been long overdue. Domestic violence is a huge issue in society and in the NFL. The NFL has a long rap sheet that coincides itself with domestic violence. Domestic violence has been a problematic issue over the past 30 years or so in the NFL, so it was time to put a plan in place. The harsh penalties of receiving a six-game suspension on the first occasion and a lifetime ban on the next is fair to a certain extent. I think it would be best to implement a three strikes and your out policy rather than the one is already in place. Whether if it’s three strikes or using the system that is already in place it serves as a huge warning to players that you must comply by the rules, and if you don’t your services are no longer needed in the NFL. I would say hats off to Roger Goodell for implementing the new policy, but he’s a FRAUD and I am happy he was exposed for mishandling the Ray Rice case.