TFON speaks with class of ’23 ATH Joquez Smith

NM- First off congratulations on your offer to the University of Cincinnati, My first question for you is, what position(s) are you being recruited for at the next level?

JS- I am mainly being recruited as a running back, but I can also play slot receiver as well.

NM- Awesome, What coaches have you been in contact with from the University of Cincinnati?

JS- I have been in contact with running backs coach Darren Page.

NM- Awesome, I know with covid and everything going on it has been tough to get out and make visits to schools, but have you been able to do any virtual visits of Cincinnati at all?

JS- Not yet, I haven’t seen campus yet, but I should be able to get on campus this summer hopefully.

NM- Awesome. what do you think of when you hear the words Cincinnati football after coming off the season they just had? Is there anything that sticks out to you?

JS- They are coming off a fantastic season, they got as high as 6th in the country at one point and that shows they are building something very well and are showing people they can compete with the best. I know the name Jerome Ford stands out to me because he is from Tampa, Florida as well.

NM- Awesome. What are some of your goals ahead of your upcoming junior season?

JS- I want to have a better season than I had last year, which means I want to win a state title. My personal goals are to get stronger, faster, but most importantly remain healthy. Last year, I scored 18 touchdowns with 1,444 all purpose yards, so I defiantly want to have a better season and increase my numbers.

NM- Perfect, what are some ways you have been staying in shape ahead of your upcoming season? Coming off a year like last year with Covid in play, what’s the things you’re looking forward to the most ahead of this upcoming season?

JS- I have a weekly routine that I do year round that includes, three days a week I do weights/lifting, two days a week I work on my speed, while the other day I just hit the field and run sprints from one end zone to the other. My water and vegetable intake is very important to me. For this season, we have new teams in our district, with that comes new football trash talking. We are looking to prove to them that Jesuit football is loaded with talent and we want to win, we want to win that state title and looking forward to taking one. Its defiantly a amazing feeling to be offered by Cincinnati as they finished 8th in the country last year.

NM- Awesome, glad to hear that. How would you describe your game to others? What are coaches expecting to get out of you at the next level?

JS- I am a powerful running back, I am quick in the open field. I have good vision, as well as my IQ. I love to run between tackles as well as the outside. Coaches will expect a leader and positive player out of me. They will expect me to be a true athlete as a freshman. I can play slot receiver, running back and kick return. I can play anywhere on the field.

NM- Versatile athlete, that is good to hear. Who are some current or former players you model your game after?

JS- I love watching Travis Eitenne and Clyde Edwards-Helaire.

NM- Awesome, What are some of your favorite memories from your high school career so far?

JS- My freshman year when we played Lake Wales Highlanders, I scored three touchdowns. The Highlanders were highly ranked and had several players on defense that were four/five star recruits or already committed to high programs. Some had them predicted to shut me down, but the final score was 53-21 and we took the win and as a freshman I scored three touchdowns versus a very solid defense.

NM- That’s awesome man, What are some of your favorite packages to play in whether you’re in the slot or the back field?

JS- I love the spread offense, I love being able to get into the opne field.

NM- Awesome, well that’s all I have for you, I appreciate you taking your time to talk and wish you nothing but the best along your journey over the next few years!


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