2024 WR/CB Braylon Harmon recaps his visit to Cincinnati

NM- Awesome man! Let’s talk about the experience as you were in attendance for the game vs Indiana. What coaches have you been in contact with?

“I have been in contact with Michael Kopay and Maximus Stienecker. It was an amazing experience, the atmosphere was amazing with everyone being so into the game. I also felt the love right when I got there, a few coaches came up to me and talked to me and it was awesome! What stood out is one of Cincinnati’s wide receivers had my exact playing style, (Tyler Scott) is barely taller than me and he was also one of their best players! Overall, the experience was the best I have had yet,” said Harmon.

NM- Was that your first time on campus? if so, what stood out to you the most?

“I loved how nice it was, you can tell how good the culture is there and how set they are on winning just by the how good the campus looked,” said Harmon.

NM- You mentioned being in contact with Michael Kopay, a former Bearcat himself, we’re you able to pick his brains a little bit more into what’s going on within the football program and the energy surrounding the program?

“Not really, I am coming back in the spring sometime so hopefully I can get those details then,” said Harmon.

NM- Talk about your game a little bit for people who don’t know or seen your tape, what should coach and fans expect out of you as you prepare for the next level?

“I love to make plays after the catch, I’ve worked very hard on making great catches and making things after the catch, I feel like they should expect a big play out of me every time I touch the ball. I’ve always been smaller than everyone so I have worked on my speed as much as I can do, I can blow by defenders,” said Harmon.

NM- Awesome! Talk about what’s next for you and what you have upcoming in terms of visits and such?

“I will be going up to Memphis, Wake Forrest and Coastal Carolina soon for visits,” said Harmon.

NM- Who are some players you model your game after?

“Cooper Kupp, he just knows the game so well and his routes are so crisp, and he catches everything, I’ve striving to be like him,” said Harmon.

NM- My last question for you, talk about the things you’ll be looking for in a school when it comes down to make that decision over the next year or so?

“Well first of all, the academics have to be great there because I want to go somewhere that will get me ready for after football, and good football team with a good culture around them, and I really liked Cincinnati’s culture with just how many students showed up and was there for their team,” said Harmon.

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