Kobe “Bean” passes Wilt the Stilt on the NBA All-Time scoring list

On Saturday night while everyone was still in awe by a major upset that finished my bracket until next year, Kobe Bryant passed Wilt Chamberlain on the all time scoring list. Kobe “Bean” Bryant is now 4th on the list of scoring in the history of the NBA, only Michael Jordan, Karl Malone and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar are head of him.

In the 2nd quarter versus the Sacramento Kings Kobe passed Wilt to net his 31,421st point.

We know the Lakers have had a rough season but through good times and bad Kobe is still ticking. Make sure no matter how much you love or hate Kobe you pay attention to the last days of his greatness.

Check out the link scoring his 31,421st point.

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