#Bearcats I need your support!!
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— James Hudson III ™ (@__BallisLife2) May 14, 2019
If you search the hashtag #FreeJamesHudson you will see a lot of prominent figures comment on his situation from players on his team, Ekpe Udoh and ESPN’s own Jay Bilas. Offensive tackle James Hudson transferred from Michigan and put in for a waiver to play immediately and today it was denied. He stated, “He didn’t talk about his mental health issues early because he didn’t want to be perceived in a bad light.” That makes sense when football as a tough sport, but when players who transfer for pure playing time get waivers “cough cough Tate Martell” and others get granted waivers left and right.
It seems there is a Power5 biased from the outside looking in and hopefully the light that Hudson is trying to shine on this situation brings an even playing field for all schools.
I’m not for sure if the NCAA can or will overturn this ruling, but if mental health was the true reason the NCAA needs to give this case another look.
#BearcatNation or not let me know your thoughts!