I woke up from a sun induced nap to see Bearcats baseball had made some noise during my slumber. Senior pitcher Nathan Moore tweet has gained traction and former outfielder Jordan Ramey is the one who started the petition to get Marge Schott’s name removed from the Bearcats baseball stadium. As a person who remembers Schott when she was alive, I remember a lot of racial quotes so with the research these young men have done and the current temperature of the world this is a nice time to strike. Schott was the former owner of the Cincinnati Reds, just do a google search if you want to know more or hit up Reds great Eric Davis.
Josh Harrison and Kevin Youkilis are backing the petition which is huge because both alums have had great MLB careers.
See the tweets below.
https://t.co/IOSwoK0jwD To amazing Cincinnati, to baseball fans, to everyone. Please read this and make a small decision that will spark great change. pic.twitter.com/LmpzZkrJqd
— Nathan Moore (@nike_nate2) June 7, 2020
@nike_nate2 !!! Powerful words. Pitcher at UC on his thoughts about Marge Schott. What we allow we encourage. This is dope.
— Jordan R. (@doctorj__) June 7, 2020
Read, sign and pass the petition. https://t.co/OI6TAwUnUB https://t.co/5y4L6Pc7hQ
I stand with @nike_nate2! #WeAreUC https://t.co/Mz9m7enCBL pic.twitter.com/E4PQWrrYg9
— Kevin Youkilis (@GreekGodOfHops) June 7, 2020
I’m with you. Heartfelt words from @nike_nate2 https://t.co/9AyUJUK1Xd
— Josh Harrison (@jhay_da_man) June 7, 2020