Women in the spotlight

As a women working to climb the ladder in the male dominated sports business industry, the advancement for women to hold key roles and leadership positions is very important to me. This industry is steadily evolving and lately the changes have made me extremely happy. The last couple of weeks there have been some big announcements that highlight women in sports.

First, I was pleased that the Big 12 conference assigned Catherine Conti to be the first female referee to officiate Big 12 football games. Then, the Spurs had me elated when they announced that former WNBA super-star Becky Hammon would join their staff as an assistant coach. This makes Hammon the first full-time coach in NBA history. Now, ESPN has announced that Amy DuBois Barnett, the former Editor-In-Chief for Ebony Magazine, will serve as Executive Editor for a new venture that will be dedicated to serving an African-American audience.

These women inspire me to continue to strive for greatness. I hope that women will continue to be recognized and have a major impact both on and off the playing field in sports.


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