In the upcoming days before the annual 64th NBA all star weekend kicks off I can’t help but think of some of the comments NBA Commissioner Adam Silver made recently. To start Mr. Silver seems very busy which is a good thing. The NBA is vastly growing and changes and updates must be continually made. A few days ago Adam was being interviewed about the status of the league currently and maybe something he viewed should be looked at. He brought up the current state of All Star weekend and how much he was looking forward to it.
The point about who he felt had been snubbed this year came up and how there seemed to always be someone who was deserving missing out on the event. He stated that some ideas had been pitched to him and one he was in favor of was possibly expanding the eastern and western conference rosters from 12 to 15 spots available. This could possibly eliminate someone being snubbed or at least set a greater disparity between those chosen to participate and those who weren’t. I’m definitely in favor of this as I have always wondered why the teams were not that big to begin with. An NBA roster typically holds 15 players.
While I’m sure Mr. Silver is not perfect in his current role I’ am impressed with the job he has done so far and the appearance of dialogue between management, players and fans. The NBA seems to have shifted from a dictatorship to more of a democracy.