Much More Important


During the NBA finals shortly before game five with his team down 3-1 against the Spurs heading back to San Antonio, I heard Lebron James put things in perspective. While admitting that he’s the easiest target in sports for praise or criticism, the pressure did not seem to get to him like in recent years. He acknowledged that it would be difficult to comeback but that he had complete confidence his team could pull it off. Lebron also said that while he was thankful for all basketball had done for him and wanted that he wanted to win non-stop, he understood that at the end of the day it’s a game.

A very mature teenager and now young man, I’m proud of Lebron for keeping his self sane and grounded. News broke that he and his wife Savanna will now be welcoming a third child (baby girl) into their family. It’s refreshing to see a mega superstar be so humble and remind us that while fame, fortune and accolades are enticing there are far more important things at the end of the day.

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About Bond Agent 187

Graduate of The Ohio State University. Aspiring Sports analyst/writer at the professional level. Personal trainer/ excercise extraordinaire. Sneaker connoisseur. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.
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